Michigan Region - NCCC

Regional Executive NewsGeorge Duncan, Michigan Region Executive

As I write this in late February, I am anxiously anticipating our 2023 Corvette season. Many events are already being planned in the Michigan Region. For my wife and I, the Funkhanas and various types of Rallies are most enjoyable. Last season, we attended a 14 event Funkhana weekend and found ourselves laughing almost the entire time. We enjoy all Rallies but found the TSDs using the Competitor Application very interesting. Flyers are available on the regional website (www.micorvette.org) for all events currently planned for this season.

As we continue to plan our 2023 competition season, I am seeing that the cost for most everything rising. Beyond food and gas prices, several of our traditional autocross venues have become price prohibitive. Several clubs are struggling to be able to host events at an affordable price. I would encourage everyone to participate as much as possible in support of the clubs who are hosting these events.

Going into this new year, I thought it important to offer my sincere thanks to our returning NCCC Michigan Region Board members and directors. They have all worked very hard to make this organization successful. Rene Cardenas is our returning Regional Competition Director (RCD) and continues to help make our events a success. Joe Scafero is our returning Regional Membership Director (RMD) and he continues to help our Governors get their jobs done correctly and on time. Kathy Duncan is our returning Treasurer and works to keep our finances in order. Edna Stoel is returning as the Regional Secretary and continues supporting the RE along with providing much of our needed documentation. Gloria Reiffer is our returning Webmaster and has done a great job with updating our website and helping the board with setting up email accounts specific to our positions. Kyle Felts is returning as our Points Director. Kyle has done a great job at keeping track of the competition points and organizing the awards. I know that there is much more that each of these individuals contribute to the organization and they all deserve a sincere thank you.

Finally, as we approach the 2023 Corvette season, we are all looking forward to the camaraderie with our friends as well as making new acquaintances. As always, we are anticipating good times at all our events and gatherings during the 2023 season.

In closing, I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023.

George Duncan
Michigan Regional Executive

Email:  re@micorvette.org